“While law enforcement has defined much of my career, the reality is much of what I accomplished during my tenure as head of the Suffolk County PBA was about finding solutions to issues based on insight, respectful discussions, and compromise. I look forward to bringing that skill to the broad range of clients in the McBride portfolio”
A Suffolk County native, DiGerolamo joined the New York City Police Department in 1992, following his return from the Gulf War. By 1995, he was a member of the Suffolk County police force, becoming involved in PBA leadership shortly thereafter. He assumed the role of President in 2012 and served three terms before retiring. He was most recently part of the transition team appointed by incoming Suffolk County Executive Ed Romaine.
In addition to his PBA role, he organized all municipal unions in Suffolk to create SCOPE, the Suffolk Coalition of Public Employees, as a legal entity that represents all County employees and retirees for healthcare benefits. As a result, DiGerolamo negotiated the longest healthcare agreement in Suffolk County history. As President of SCOPE and the labor Co-Chair on the Employee Medical Health Plan, he worked collaboratively with management to administer the existing health benefit plan for over 47,000 County employees, retirees, and dependents.
A resident of Mount Sinai, DiGerolamo lives there with his wife Nancy and three children, Noel Jr., Elena, and Jacqueline.